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Leading Manufacturing Companies – Reliance Industries

Leading Manufacturing Companies - Reliance Industries

Reliance Industries carries out a regular review and addresses the collection of problems being faced by the plant or section of the plant, whenever there is delta gap between expected versus delivered quality. This is measured by well-established methods proven over time. Also, this is debated at the plant team level, which has representatives from technical, quality etc. During this process, problems/issues are studied and solutions are arrived at. Any unresolved issues that are still left are carried to a higher level of investigation – R&D – either at company level or to external research institutes, as is deemed appropriate. Supply chain also forms a part of the overall product ‘delivered as expected at the user end’. The contract may be for delivery at the supplier’s factory gate or buyer’s premises. Quality of packaging, labelling, and handling during transportation, together make up the complete quality cycle.
Valecha expects many changes to occur in the production process during the next couple of years. Many changes have already been introduced too. He highlights data transmission digitally including quality certificates; tracking the cargo by logistics; automatic storage and retrieval systems; automatic loading; and robotics, among these. 
“Speed; delivery accuracy where multiple products are stored; safe handling; a decrease in or elimination of manual intervention in most of the steps in packaging, storage, loading, dispatch, etc. has led to higher efficiency,” according to Valecha.
