BMW Group and Valeo announced a new partnership for the co-development of fully automated parking technologies up to Level 4**. The joint development will involve more than 100 R&D specialists from both companies, focusing on next-generation high-end parking user experience for customers on private grounds and parking facilities.
Ranging from Automated Maneuver Assistance to Level 4 Automated Valet Parking, all functions will be based on technology and sensors in the car. Infrastructure-based services will also be jointly developed to experience fully automated parking and charging in enabled public parking facilities and sites.
“This joint development is an important milestone for the BMW Group with regard to our next generation of automated driving and parking. To create truly amazing end-user functions, state-of-the-art software and hardware is needed in all aspects of the digital value chain, as well as the power of a fleet data ecosystem. The BMW Group is excited to further extend its long-lasting partnership with Valeo with this strategic cooperation.” said Nicolai Martin, Senior Vice President Driving Experience, BMW Group.
The software functions are based on the current automated parking software stack first launched with the BMW iX in 2021. In the next generation, it will be further extended by a powerful computing platform hosting the jointly developed algorithms.
Marc Vrecko, President of Valeo’s Comfort and Driving Assistance Systems Business Group said, ”Building on already commercialised software stack components, this cooperation will leverage our know-how and technologies, such as advanced AI-based computer vision algorithms, and enable us to extend our portfolio to L4 functions as well as into cloud services. Other automakers will be able to join this platform, with BMW once again setting the standard for the most intuitive and pleasant user experience that its customers rightly expect.”
What is Automated Valet Parking?
Automated Valet Parking (AVP) offers drivers and passengers a fully automated and driverless parking experience. At a drop-off zone the driver leaves the car and the vehicle takes over tasks such as autonomously finding a parking spot, the necessary maneuvers for parking in and out and can also drive back to a pick-up zone to return the vehicle back to the driver. Additional services like fully automated charging or washing can be deployed to optimize the use of the parking time. Such functionalities offer real customers benefits in terms of comfort and safety.
The partnership supports both AVP Type 1 and Type 2 and will strive for the most advanced solutions for next generation parking experiences up to Level 4 according to market and customer requirements.
* “Neue Klasse”: the next generation modular platform for the BMW vehicles.
** Level 4: fully automated driving/parking, with no supervision needed by the driver