Among the global leaders in industrial process fluids, Quaker Houghton was at the IMTEX 23 and had on display the QUAKERCOOL® 2920 EVC . QUAKERCOOL® 2920 EVC is a transparent soluble fluid which is mineral-oil and boron free and is used for machining and grinding. It is popularly known as EVerClear.
Tridib Majumder, Managing Director of Quaker Houghton discussed the initiatives taken by the company on the sustainability front. One of the pillars of their sustainability strategy is sourcing materials responsibly. The company is working with its suppliers to ensure that the materials are sourced in alignment with the ESG regulations. “By 2030, we aim to achieve 75% of total direct spend with suppliers that exceed our sustainability performance threshold,” said Tridib Majumder, MD, Quaker Houghton.
Empowerment of employees and communities forms the second pillar of their sustainability drive. The health and well-being of the workforce are said to be of utmost importance at Quaker Houghton. The company claims that its programmes, policies and systems are designed to enable employees return home safely.
“Have zero serious injury recordable by 2030“, said Majumder to highlight Quaker Houghton’s approach towards workforce safety in its drive towards empowering its employees.
The third pillar of sustainability is innovation for a better tomorrow and achieve 100% of finished goods in our portfolio free from any Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, or Reprotoxic (CMRs) and reduce our use of fossil-based raw materials by 30% by 2030
Protecting the planet is the fourth pillar in the company’s sustainability strategy. By 2030 the company aspires to achieve carbon neutrality in their global operations. Setting science-based targets to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the value chain by 2050 and reduce waste to landfill, hazardous waste, and water per ton produced by 20% each are some measures planned.
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